Friday, June 16, 2006


E tudo começou com um repto do Ricardo Blanco.
Tinha acabado de ler o livro "ESTÓRIAS ABENSONHADAS", de Mia Couto. E algures, perdido no meio de outros contos estava A GUERRA DOS PALHAÇOS, um conto de apenas duas páginas belo mas terrível.
Ele achou que se enquadrava na minha maneira de ver o mundo...
E depois de ler o conto....tenho de lhe dar razão...

This project began a few months ago, when Ricardo Blanco showed me a book he had just finished reading. "ESTÓRIAS ABENSONHADAS" written by Mia Couto, a famous novelist from Mozambique. And lost, somewhere among other short stories, there was THE WAR OF THE CLOWNS, a two paged beautiful and yet sinister story. Ricardo thought this short drama fitted the way I see this world of ours.
And after reading the story...I think he was absolutely right...

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